Class 6

Mrs Hazlehurst

Welcome to Class 6

This half term we will be continuing with our Theme - The Americas where we will look at climate zones, biomes and look carefully at the human and physical features of geography and compare these with different places within and across America and the UK.

In English we are going to use our knowledge from Shackleton’s Journey and focus on writing a balanced argument and look closely at the different writing features needed for this genre. After this we will start our new class text ‘Wonder’ where we will delve into the life of August and his family and look at how he tackles life with great courage and positivity.

In Maths we are focusing on using decimal number and looking closely at the relationship between fractions decimals and percentages.

PE this half term will be on a Monday and a Wednesday where we will look at developing our invasions game skills focusing on marking and passing accurately to use in a game of netball. We will also be working on our striking and fielding skills and learning the basic rules of rounders.

Please ensure that your children come into school on these days wearing correct PE kit- a plain white t-shirt and plain navy blue or black shorts or jogging bottoms and a jacket.