Class 1

Mrs Mellor

Welcome to Class 1

Welcome to Class 1!

This half term we will be working on the topic “African Adventure”. We will learn about the continent of Africa and focus on the country of Kenya. We will use maps to locate specific places, compare the human and physical features of Kenya to our local area, and learn about the animals and people who live there.

PE this half term is on Mondays and Fridays. Children should come to school dressed in their kits on PE days.

Reading books are changed on your child’s reading day which is on the front of their reading record. We give 1 book at a time but you can ask for more if these do not last the week. Please listen to your child read and re read their book every day to develop confidence and fluency. Once per week ask one of the reading questions in the front and write your child’s response.

Year 1 Medium Term Text Overview

Cycle 1

Cycle 2